One Year Makes a Difference

September 28, 2013 by kimeree13

There are a few projects I have been working on really diligently so that I can be more hands on with my infant in a few weeks.  One of those was aimed at looking through all my images from the past few years and picking the best ones to post in my website galleries.  I have to say that as I culled through all my work,  I was amazed how much I have changed as a photographer!  I am using less black and white now and definitely concentrating on creating beautiful images with bright or true-to-life colors.  Previously, I added more yellow in my photos for a “dramatic effect” and now I like to accurately represent the environment in which the photos were taken.  Look at an example of the difference in my work from 2012 and 2013.

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It’s also amazing what a difference a year can make in the year of a child! I recently took photos again for the Baca family and was loved to see how much their little daughter, Gia, had grown and changed in year!  Not only does she look older, but she’s got shorter hair and is also wearing some super cute, stylish glasses!  It is always such an honor to be asked to photograph families year after year and continue our relationship together!

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